2014-15 GAFE Materials

This page contains training materials Josh Harris and Dawn Kasperson have developed or co-developed and used in training folks at the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District.

 These materials were designed to be used both in and out of PD sessions--presentation materials in a session and then a reference guide to be used by attendees after the session.

Anything posted here is for the benefit of attendees of any of my training session, and also for the shared usage and modification of my fellow Ed Tech professionals. We give permission for folks to use in their current form or to use and modify with attribution to all of the creators mentioned in the original slides.

For the 2014-15 School Year 

(Will be changed, enhanced and updated over the course of the year; Check back occasionally)

Google Drive Overview & File Management

Google Docs In School & The Classroom

Google Slides In School & The Classroom

Google Forms In School & The Classroom

Google Sheets In School & The Classroom

Google Drawings In School & The Classroom

Intro to Google Classroom
